TUGSPECT Review: FREE Spectral tool

Tugrulakyuz TugSpec is a free spectral image filter. It is very similar to the drawing/image filter inside of Digitalis, but with a few neat extra features. For one, this version actually translates greyscale to volume, rather than the full on/off of Digitalis’s black and white filtering. This makes for a more dynamic filter processing that lets frequencies fade in and out depending on the brightness or darkness of each region. It includes a black and white mode, if you so want, as well. Secondly, you can move the image around freely, allowing you to adjust angle/position and even zoom without having to open an image editor. Furthermore, you can even automate these settings, to give some different filtering over time. Tools like this are great fun for alternative experiments. I know people aren’t too fond of AI art, but this can be one of the more useful applications, where the actual “art” will only be seen imprinted through a spectrograph, but otherwise can lead to some interesting sonic results or even wavetables. I do wish that there was a black level control, in case the imported image isn’t dark enough to fully filter out regions. Also it’s a bit annoying to have to readjust all the controls when you import a new image, wish it just kept them where you left them. Otherwise, it’s a great tool and additionally it is FREE, all Tugrulakyuz asks is that you donate if you can.


You can pick up TUGSPEC from Tugrulakyuz’s gumroad: https://tugrulakyuz.gumroad.com/l/ssxrm?layout=profile&recommended_by=library


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